Recontextualizing Modernity: A Case Study of The Kaum Adat in Padangpanjang Through the Boedi-Tjaniago (1920s)
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In this study, the newspaper Boedi Tjaniago (1922) is examined to gain insight into how ideas of progress and modernization were represented in Minangkabau in the early 1900s. The historical method, inclusive of heuristic, criticism, interpretation and historiography stages, was employed for analysis. The primary data source was the newspaper Boedi Tjaniago from PDIKM Padangpnjang. The findings of this research reveal that Boedi Tjaniago was a significant media outlet that embodied the modernization movement in Minangkabau during the early 1900s. In addition to disseminating progressive concepts, this newspaper also played a role in forging the identity and cohesiveness of the Minangkabau people.
Keywords: Boedi Tjaniago, newspapers, modernization, Minangkabau, progress
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Boedi Tjaniago, No.1,Tahun I, tanggal 1 Januari 1922.
Boedi Tjaniago, No.7,Tahun I, tanggal 1 April 1922.
Boedi Tjaniago, No.8,Tahun I, tanggal 15 April 1922.
Boedi Tjaniago, No.9,Tahun I, tanggal 1 Mei 1922.
Boedi Tjaniago, No.10,Tahun I, tanggal 15 Mei 1922.
Boedi Tjaniago, No.12,Tahun I, tanggal 12 Juni 1922.
Boedi Tjaniago, No.15,Tahun I, tanggal 1 Agustus 1922.
Boedi Tjaniago, No.16,Tahun I, tanggal 29 Agustus1922.
Boedi Tjaniago, No.17,Tahun I, tanggal 20 September 1922.
Boedi Tjaniago, No.18,Tahun I, tanggal 30 September 1922.
Soerat Edaran Boedi Tjaniago No.1.
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